Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ron Paul's "Electability" and the Dumb Masses

The following is an excerpt from the "Young Turks" program on  The third commentator's opinion  regarding Ron Paul's "electability" was very interesting:


"Well, I don't think he would be more electable only because we operate in a two-party system; unfortunately both parties don't want him, there's not a majority in either party that wants to endorse him and I think he faces the same problem in the party system as he does with journalists, which is that he's trying to run a substantive campaign on ideas and people don't actually...the majority of people aren't appreciative of the fact that he's actually introducing some substantive thoughts into the dialogue.  The're much more swayed by horse-race types of analysis and that's unfortunate for Ron Paul.  Its unfortunate for our political dialogue."

What he is basically saying is that the majority of people who vote are stupid and vote only for superficial reasons. This is a thought that I've entertained ever since George W. Bush's reelection in 2004 and it was a question I was asked by a friend in Greece.  It is understandable that people would vote for George W. Bush once, but why would they vote for him the second time?  It just didn't make any sense why you would vote again for a proven liar, inarticulate nitwit. A close relative told me before the 2008 Democratic Primary that she was voting for Hillary Clinton because she was a woman like her.  Many black people voted for Obama just because he is a black man. The truth is that people don't vote based on issues.  People vote because of their passions and because of superficial reasons.  I've always tried to see the best in people but if a person who is as clear on his positions as Ron Paul is somehow "unelectable" we're in a sorry state of affairs.

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