Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is this… Sparta?

"I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.."

Quoting Scarlett from “Gone with the Wind” is probably the mildest way I can present the Mayor of Chania's thoughts regarding homeless people in the city.

While young, glamorously dressed up children had the chance to take pictures by the beautiful and impressive Christmas tree in the central square of Chania, a homeless 62 year old man’s last breath blew the dust off a long forgotten book in people’s mind-library called “compassion [anthropiá] and respect”. That, along with the book I am reading on Alcibiades, a great General of Ancient Greece, led me to some thoughts. I couldn’t help but wonder.. Who exactly are we? What is the role of society?

In the state of mind of Ancient Athens, elderly people symbolized wisdom, justice and common sense. They were fully respected and their opinion was highly regarded in their family, in court, and in day-to-day situations. Society took good care of them and younger people looked up to them, looking forward to reaching their age and receive such honors themselves.

In Ancient Sparta, on the other hand, things were different. Old men along with new-borns that seemed to have some kind of malfunctions- physical or mental- were thrown into “Kaeadas” cliff and died there, since they could be of no service to the society.

So is Chania a new Sparta? Do you consider yourselves innocent of the above?

Just.. food for thought!


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