Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haiti Run By NGOs

According to Vijaya Ramachandran at the Huffington Post:

...almost all of the assistance provided to Haiti has bypassed its government, leaving it even less capable than before. Humanitarian agencies, NGOs, private contractors, and other non-state service providers have received 99 percent of relief aid -- less than 1 percent of aid in the immediate aftermath of the quake went to public institutions or to the government.
NGOs provided 70 percent of health care, and private schools (mostly NGO-run) accounted for 85 percent of national education.  
 In summary:
The dominance of international NGOs has created a parallel state more powerful than the government itself.  

I remember that I donated 50 dollars to the Red Cross in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, its nice to know that 50 cents of that went to the Haitian people.  In reality, the Red Cross basically paid itself to provide services to Haiti.  After I donated, a friend told me it was a waste of money and that I should've donated to my local homeless guy.  I guess that was the best thing to do after all!

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